Corn, wheat and oats for firm breasts

Maggie Reyes

Every woman wants firm and perky breasts. This becomes more of a challenge as we begin to age and gravity causes our breasts to lose their firmness. Fortunately, there are different techniques to counteract sagging breasts. Cosmetic solutions range from breast surgery to a variety of cosmetic products. Many women...

Diseases related to old age. Part I

Maggie Reyes

Old age, also known as the golden age, represents the beginning of significant physiological change. This process is proven through research to begin at age 65. During this stage of life, elderly individuals lose the elasticity and firmness of their skin and their immune system weakens. These changes can lead...

Finding the best cleanse

Shelagh McNally

If done correctly, a detox cleanse can lead to many health benefits. On the other hand, the wrong one can send your body spiraling into chaos. The first import tip is to avoid any extreme cleanses -- especially those calling for a drastic reduction in calorie intake for weight loss...

Back to school with an omega brain boost

Shelagh McNally

Did you know that studies have shown that most kids' nutritional deficiencies are the cause of their poor school performance! Give your child a head start for the new school year with an omega brain boost. This essential fatty acid can improve concentration and help with ADHD and ADD symptoms. There...