Diseases related to old age - part 1 - ebambu.ca

Diseases related to old age. Part I

Maggie Reyes

Old age, also known as the golden age, represents the beginning of significant physiological change. This process is proven through research to begin at age 65. During this stage of life, elderly individuals lose the elasticity and firmness of their skin and their immune system weakens. These changes can lead to faster physical exhaustion and deterioration of normal body processes.Ā  Ā These factors are the cause of the so-called age-related diseases. These can be classified into two major groups; Physical illness and mental illness.





It is the increased fragility of the bones, due to the wear of the bone tissue. This causes the bones to become weaker, being more prone to fractures. This disease more often affects the female sex, since the ovaries can no longer produce sufficient estrogens and other hormones.


Causes: According to studies the causes can be primary or secondary.


  • Primary: When there is no probable cause and everything is due to age.
  • Secondary: When it is a consequence of another disease or side effects of a medication.


Symptom: This disease is known as one of the most silent, as its symptoms are not perceptible, most times osteoporosis is diagnosed secondary to a fracture.

Diseases related to old age - part 1


It is the inflammation of the joints in the body. There are several classifications of arthritis and all are related to weakness of muscles, joints bones and tissues.



  • A virus, fungi or bacterial within the joint.
  • A defect in the cartilage.
  • Trauma to some joints.
  • Genetics



  • Pain in the joints
  • Swelling
  • Rigidity
  • Physical deformity
  • Difficulty moving



Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)

It is the abnormal growth of the prostate in a non-malignant way. Due to the growth, the prostate compresses the urethra causing problems to urinate. This type of illness only affects men since the prostate is only present in men. BPH usually begins around the age of 30 years, although their manifestation can occur after the age of 60 years on with a statesman of 50%.



  • Aging.
  • Presence of male hormones.



  • Frequent urination.
  • Urinary retention.
  • diminished strength of stream of urinating



Health recommendation

To live a healthy life is important to visit the doctor frequently, maintain a balanced diet, exercise, take natural supplements to support healthy functions, sleep as needed and above all follow the recommendations of your GP.

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